Sunday, August 7, 2011

Intro Post For LM

"It's been too long..." - B.G.

And yes, that is how I will start my blogging career. This may be labeled for Achmone+KJ but this is LM or, as I will have updated to, "Koper". No, I'm not a hacker. I'm just a fan of the philosopher..

(2 cookies for the first commenter to tell me who and his major breakthrough)

Anyway, that ain't the point. The point is the music. And my first post is for an unconventional pick (get used to it) but dope musician coming out of ATL. It's an emcee (what's so speci..) that so happens to be a woman that is truly amazing. Dizzying, abstract content paired with a technician's flow ? Jaw dropping hip-hop and one of the better releases this year. Take the barbie wig off for a second and just elevate.

Koper. Out.