So...is it me, or does Hollywood always release the worst movies during black history month? Well, maybe it IS just me. Nevertheless, we are well into full swing in the new year (Its practically March already!)...Yet, thus far in 2010, our bright new promising decade has given us nothing but grief and disappointment on the silver screen across box offices internationally....(for the most part anyway)
That being said, I was feeling pretty confident that I knew what I was getting into last weekend when I bought a ticket to go see the new film "The Wolfman" directed by Joe Johnson (best known for Jurassic Park III). However, within the first 20mins of the film Johnson wastes no time getting to the point of the film...(if you haven't guessed by now)...there is a wolf-like creature killing civilians in a small town somewhere in Europe. As you can imagine this goes on for quite sometime until it is revealed who the "wolfman" is and how he became the "wolfman."
Aside from the sporadic, nauseating and irritable sounds of the violent howling throughout the film, I was practically in a coma...this movie seems like a reach of an idea in regards to creativity. On the heels on the vampires (Twilight: New Moon), zombies and ghosts (Paranormal Activity). It was only a matter of time before some genius gave in to idea of "The Wolfman." If anything this movie would be great for some cheesy and cheap laughs - but after paying for a ticket to this movie you may find yourself mad that you volunteered your dollar for two hours of complete chaos.
If you end up checking it out anyway, or already have (sucker!), then drop and few lines and let us know what you thought about the movie......until next time!
- KJ