Tasteful takes on the views of news, movies, music, sports, etc....steadily giving Stella her groove back one day at a time...WELCOME
Friday, December 31, 2010
Kanye West & others: "MONSTER"
Also... I like Nikki's Ass. It's great. Shout out to Charlie "last name" Wilson on the vocals at the end lol.
Friday, December 24, 2010

For the past 12 years we have been treated with the Los Angeles Lakers playing a game of basketball on Christmas Day. This has become a tradition as much as the Dallas Cowboys have on Thanksgiving Day.
For Kobe & Co. this game is just another day at the office and its only significance is for playoff seeding. For Flash, the Avatar, and LeBrute, this game is a litmus test against the defending champs and they would like to see how they match up. They failed the test against the Celtics and will be looking to redeem themselves. In effect, this game is LeBron’s championship game and he we look to put up numbers in front of a national audience to reclaim some of his lost fans.
Last years Christmas Day game we watched the Cleveland Cavaliers destroy the Lakers and LeBron was pleased because he had claimed his prize: Kobe Bryant’s embarrassment and his Christmas Day Championship. Eventually Kobe would have the last laugh as he collected his 5th NBA Championship as LeBrute was watching from the Boys & Girls club.
Et tu, Bron?
Lets compare the Apples vs. Oranges. Fact: THEY DON’T COMPARE! But we’ll do it just for the hell of it.
Starting 5: With Andrew Bynum coming back from injury the Lakers will return to Championship form. I only know 3 of the Heat starting 5. Edge: Lakers
Defense: Currently the Heat are ranked 2 while the Lakers are ranked at 10. Edge: Miami
Post: Gasol, Odom, Bynum, and even Bryant. No contest: Lakers
Bench: Benga, Farmar, Vujacic, have been replaced by Barnes, Blake, Ratliff, and Smith. Odom and Brown also come off the bench. No contest: Lakers
Coaching: Phil Jackson has rings on all 10 fingers and a toe. Spoelstra has 1 on NBA 2k11. No contest: Lakers
Intangibles: Any sane Monarch would be scared shitless to go near a Black Mamba. The Mamba is out for revenge after last year’s debacle. No contest: Kobe Bryant
I’m giving the Lakers the benefit of the doubt and going with them.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Mr. Jones
Awwwwww Shit!

These players got suspended for all these games in their senior year because they sold a few items that they received. A few of the mentioned items were a bowl ring and some athletic awards. Now maybe it was unethical for these gentlemen to sell these items, but it was their stuff. These players are not rich and they don't have million dollar contracts so I don't see anything wrong with them trying to make some money.
Furthermore, it was reported by Pryor's high school coach that these were transactions done in amounts up to $2,500 and that he did it to help his mom. Now maybe me being a black man helps me understand Pryor's actions, but I don't find any of his actions to be severe at all. Continued scenarios like this one involving players and small amounts of money are always blown out of proportion. The now heisman trophy winner Cameron Newton, as well as the previous heisman winner Reggie Bush also went through similar incidents. Maurice Clarett was almost exiled from the game after accepting gifts.
When it all comes down to it I feel like these players should receive some type of compensation on top of the scholarship they receive. That would dramatically decrease the apparent scandals and allegations that ultimately hurt the game. Now I'm not talking about any grand amounts, but ten thousand wouldn't hurt. Bottom line most of the great athletes who play in NCAA football come from less than prosperous roots, so when you entice them with the idea of more money than they've ever seen of course there's a great chance they may get "caught up".
These top schools are generating millions of dollars every year from their student athletes. I may go against the tradition of how the college game is operated but fuck it. No, I don't think it's right to make millions of dollars off of a certain players jersey and not compensate that individual or individual's family at all.
Stay up TP. Go Bucks! (But that is some bullshit. If this holds up our season is over lol).
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Holidays!!!

Happy Hanukkah...Happy Kwanzaa...Merry Christmas..etc. It's that time of year once again and we here at Achmone's Basement would like to send out a special "Happy Holidays" to all of those who read the blog..those who contribute to the blog...those who don't read the blog yet...and those who sit around on their asses doing nothing all day (hey, its okay, we realize that it's the holidays). It has been a great year working with our team to get Achmone active and going, yet we also look forward to writing more pieces, more comments, more contributors, more news, more entertainment and more drama heading into 2011. Thank you to any and everyone who has helped make this possible so far...we look forward to the future. As always, we appreciate it. Enjoy the holidays and have a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Achmones...Inspiring Moment

Today's inspiring moment comes from a man who seems to be misunderstood in so many ways and who continually offends many for the sake of proving a point. This man is none other than Kanye West. Yes the Louis Vuitton Don has said and done many random things, but this time I actually felt inspired after listening to the words.
The producer turned multi-million dollar rapper dropped a few lines on the "Power
Remix" that I feel deserves another listen.
The song reads:
Now we all ain’t gon’ be American Idols
But you can least grab a camera, shoot a viral
Huh? Take the power in your own hands
I’m a grown man, doin’ my grown dance
I don’t stop until I see the end, my vision clear, bitch
In other words, if you got a dream go after it. You may not be the greatest in what you do and other people may judge you and say you can't, but damn it you can try.
Props to Kanye for dropping some knowledge.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
"Nike Sportswear 2011 Spring Air Royal Mid"

Fresh new look from Nike launching January 1, 2011 combining outdoor inspiriation with premium fabrication to introduce the Nike Air Royal Mid for the Spring 2011 collection. Starting in the New Year the shoe will initially be released in three colorways (bronze/challenge red, white/victory green and black/vibrant blue).
Pretty Dope.
"Lil Wayne feat. Cory Gunz - 6'7"
New Lil Wayne...well, not really new anymore seeing as how he performed it last weekend on SNL during Eminem's performance lol. However, this is supposedly slated to be the first single off "The Carter IV." He definitely goes off on this track lyrically killing bars in a way reminiscent of "Amilli." Word on the street is that Nicki Minaj will spit a verse on the final version. Check it out and let me know what you think...
"Mystery Men..meets...Kick Ass...meets Reality?!"

Yeah...so this isn't a joke at all. In recent news from Seattle, Washington wearing capes and fighting crime with a group of comic book nerds seems to be the new trend. They call themselves 'The Rain City Superheroes' and the masked crusader pictured above is Phoenix Jones (who possess an alias that would be better suited for a pornstar than a superhero) who leads the band of nine self-proclaimed superheroes who have been patrolling Seattle just about every night for the past few months doing their best to keep morale high by combating the city's criminal elements.
Apparently since becoming a part-time superhero (I'd hate to imagine what this guy's other jobs may be...) he claims to have come up against some of Seattle's fiercest skinheads with brass knuckles....disarmed people using screwdrivers as weapons...chased down a man firing a gun in the air...and more importantly, stopped a fight between two homeless men. In my eyes, its only a matter of time before these guys get their asses kicked - not even joking. Although this stuff may seem fun and comic book like...I know for a fact this shit would not fly in Dallas, Columbus, Los Angeles or any major city for that matter. Its only a matter of time...
What are your thoughts?
Check out the full story @ The Daily Beast - Click Here