Originally After the Game 6 lost to Boston I was going to comment on the strong relationship between Lebron James and his mother Gloria James,yet the rumor mill has changed the dynamic of this topic. Fans of Lebron James were constantly searching for reasons why he didn't "bring out the BEAST" in game 5 which led to the eventual lost in Boston this past Thursday. Everything from his questionable elbow injury, to Lebron focusing too much in his team mates for support, to Lebron just not playing hard enough were the thoughts on most sports fans' minds.
However, the latest rumor that doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon accuses Gloria James and Cavs guard, Delonte West, of fooling around behind Lebron's back. It is my belief that instead of trying to make sense of a shocking loss to a (okay I'll say it) good team we should give it a rest. Not only do I think this rumor is total B.S. I feel the lives of celebrities are over-analyzed. When did the lives of celebrities turn into excessive speculation? Enjoying a sport and a player is one thing, but admiring them so much that the highs and lows of your life is fueled through their experiences is a shame.
I'll tell you one thing. The most important moment in the playoffs to me is after the Game 6 loss and Lebron congratulated the victors he walked off with poise, went up to his mother, gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. That doesn't seem like a man angry with his mom to me. Furthermore, I rarely see a game at home where the superstar's mother has not been present. Do people think that because she is a young black mother, that makes her permiscuous as well. Would she be so foolish that she would stoop to the level of sleeping with one of Lebron's good friends and team mates. Ridiculous.
In a sense if a star athlete is not winning every game and shows any signs of weakness, the public and media alike dehumanize this individual. Do we forget that with every strength their is a weakness? No one is perfect. And instead of obsessing why Lebron James and the Cavs lost a few games I'm going to go after my own dreams and live my own life. Cause damn it life is short and time waits for no man.
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