That's right! Earlier today, President Obama announced his selection Solicitor General Elana Kagan (pictured above) to become the nation's 112th justice of the supreme court to succeed the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. However, Obama's selection of the new justice sparks some turmoil with political and judicial bandits alike seeing how she would be the first supreme court justice to have no prior judicial experience as a judge...and that's just to go top of the remarks about her current role as she resides being the first female dean of Harvard Law School (the same place Obama went to law school).
Although on paper Kagan may exemplify the perfect minority candidate for the job, others may look at Obama as having ulterior motives...seen making this nomination so that he can have an advocate to help his bills get passed through congress if they end up going to the higher courts. Which one is it? Is she a good candidate? Or is this just another way for Obama to ensure he gets his legislation? Or both? Let me know what you think...
- KJ
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