There have been mixed reactions towards the latest Friday the 13th movie. Quite frankly some people have loved this film while others are quick to share their disdain for the film. However, it appears to be a reasoning behind these reviews.
While many of the younger generation who are unfamiliar with the Wes Craven saga may love this film and believe it to excude vicious and scary elements they have never experienced, the older 80's generation seem to not excude the same amount of satisfaction. I remember just a few months ago when the trailer first began to appear on television my 12 year old sister dispelling multiple ooohs and ahhs. To the younger generation this appears to be a new and great horror film.
Many people who recall the "old" Freddy say the new film lacks humor and the fun that the older Nightmare on Elm Street's had. That's just the problem. You can't compare the two films because there not the same. The updated version of Nightmare on Elm Street is parallel to what the Dark Knight did to the Batman adventures.
The old Nightmare on Elm Street was more teen horror comedy. The new Nightmare on Elm Street cuts out the cliche's, vicious jokes, and random girl topless scenes (sorry), and gives you a horror film like Friday the 13th or Halloween.
The old Freddy was kinda scary, but also had a cool and humorous side to him. The new Freddy has one goal and one goal only: to scare the shit out of you. But hey I'm just one person. Watch the new and old edition and tell me what you think. Holla!
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